PRP Tedavisi

Treatment of PRP

For people who have genetic hair loss in their family and have experienced hair loss themselves, PRP treatment can be used to stop the transition to advanced stages of hair loss. PRP, i.e. Platelet Rich Plasma therapy, is a treatment aimed at strengthening the hair follicles using the individual’s own blood.

There are many advantages of PRP treatment. First of all, there is no risk of an allergic reaction, since the person’s own blood is used. Due to the use of nutrients contained in the blood plasma, the hair follicles thicken and become healthier. It can be seen that the hair comes alive immediately after the procedure. Although PRP has been a process implemented since 2009, it has been highly developed since its first release.

How is PRP Treatment Performed?

Since the person’s own blood is used in the treatment of PRP, 10 cc of blood is taken from the patient at the first stage. This blood is separated by centrifugation and microfiltration. The plasma material obtained after separation is the main material used in the treatment. This plasma substance, rich in platelets and platelet cells, is injected into the hair follicles at a later stage.

PRP treatment is a treatment that lasts about 30 minutes. In this treatment, which lasts  2 weeks to 4 weeks, 3 to 5 sessions are applied. Although PRP treatment begins to take effect immediately, the main effect occurs after 3-4 weeks. The main purpose of the treatment is to restore tissue regeneration and strengthen the hair follicles. After application, the hair follicles begin to repair themselves and become stronger. Weakened and lost hair follicles are replaced by stronger and more viable hair follicles. For people who are at the beginning of the hair loss process, but have not yet experienced complete baldness, this treatment is a treatment that will stop the loss and strengthen the hair.

What Are the Advantages of PRP Treatment?

PRP treatment protects the hair against loss. It strengthens the hair, preventing hair loss from progressing to advanced stages.

  • Increases the vitality of the hair. Weakened and lost hair is replaced by strong and lively hair.
  • Revitalizes sleeping and non-growing hair follicles.
  • Allows hair to grow.
  • The risk of allergies is also very low because the person’s own blood is used to treat PRP.
  • It is a non-surgical treatment, it is quite suitable for people who have lost their hair or become weak, but do not need a hair transplant.

Who Is Treated with PRP?

PRP treatment can be done to anyone, male or female. As a rule, this treatment is applied for hair that has just started to fall out and has lost its strength. This treatment allows the hair follicles to heal and the hair to strengthen. PRP treatment can also be done after hair transplantation. This treatment is suitable for strengthening the transplanted hair. This treatment also helps to make the scalp healthier as well.

Treatment of PRP in Turkey

PRP treatment is also a treatment that is often applied in Turkey. Turkey, which has a worldwide reputation for hair transplant and hair treatments, is also very successful in PRP treatment. Thousands of people come to Turkey every year for this treatment applied by specialist doctors.





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