PRP Tedavisi

Mesotherapy Treatment

Hair loss is a problem that occurs due to genetic or natural causes. Today, many people, especially men, are faced with hair loss. There are some solutions for people experiencing hair loss. Mesotherapy treatment is one of them. Mesotherapy, unlike hair transplantation, is a non-surgical operation. This method, in which nutrients such as amino acids, vitamins and minerals are injected into the body, is preferred by many people because it does not have a surgical nature.

How is Mesotherapy Done?

Mesotherapy is a method used for cellulite, crack removal, skin rejuvenation, chronic pain relief, as well as hair loss. In this method, the technique of injecting nutritional substances such as amino acids, vitamins, minerals and enzymes into the skin is used. With this method, the rejuvenation and healing of the skin around the hair follicles is ensured. As a result, hair follicles are nourished and hair growth is supported.

Mesotherapy takes its name from the mesoderm layer, which is 1 mm below the skin surface. In this treatment method, the injection site is this mesoderm layer. After the injection, this layer is stimulated and the hair grows and regenerates. This treatment is especially suitable for people who are in the early stages of hair loss. Or, this method can be used for people with regional hair loss.

This treatment is not a one-session method like hair transplant methods. There is a treatment process that lasts about 6 sessions in mesotherapy. Each session lasts approximately 10 minutes to 30 minutes. At the end of 6 sessions, it is seen that the hair strands thicken and grow properly. This method, which is not a surgical method, is often preferred by patients. This almost painless procedure is one of the most popular procedures, especially recently.

Who Can Have Mesotherapy Treatment?

People who experience hair loss can have this treatment. This treatment will be very beneficial especially for people who are in the early stages of hair loss and have started thinning and thinning their hair. Mesotherapy treatment is a suitable treatment for both men and women. Apart from these, people who have male pattern hair loss in their hair, have ringworm problem, have scalp disorders such as psoriasis and try to cope with various similar problems can have mesotherapy.

Who Cannot Have Mesotherapy Treatment?

Although mesotherapy treatment is a very useful treatment with few side effects, some people should not apply this treatment. These include pregnant and lactating women. This treatment is not applied to pregnant and lactating women. In addition, mesotherapy treatment should not be applied to cancer patients, diabetics, people who have had a stroke, those with blood clotting problems, and heart patients who require multi-drug therapy. However, before this treatment is done, allergy test should be done and the content of the treatment should be prepared accordingly.

PRP Tedavisi

Advantages of Mesotherapy Treatment

  • Although this procedure has many advantages, the most important one is that this operation is not surgical. Therefore, it can be done more easily.
  • Mesotherapy method is a method used not only for hair loss but also for many skin problems and rejuvenation of the skin. For this reason, people who have problems such as dandruff and irritation on the scalp can also have this treatment.
  • The side effects of this treatment are very limited. Many side effects were not observed in the procedures performed. It has been observed that only some patients may experience short-term redness.
  • In mesotherapy, the treatment content is prepared completely individually. While preparing the content, the condition and needs of the person’s skin and hair are taken into consideration.

Mesotherapy method, which has been very popular in recent years, is among the most preferred methods in Turkey. Many people who suffer from hair loss and thinning for this treatment.





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