Information about Gynecomastia

Jinekomasti İşlemi


Gynecomastia seen in men can be explained as benign and excessive breast development. This disease, which can be seen in infants and elderly men, is especially common during adolescence. For gynecomastia, which does not have any adverse health effects, treatment can be applied when necessary.

Hormones can be shown as the cause of gynecomastia, which occurs due to an imbalance in estrogen and testosterone hormones. If there is a decrease in the amount of estrogen or an increase in the amount of testosterone, this imbalance causes the emergence of gynecomastia. On the other hand, some drugs, harmful substances such as alcohol and drugs, or herbal products can cause gynecomastia due to some of the materials they contain.

What are the Symptoms of Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is likely to occur in adolescents, the elderly, those who have discomfort in areas such as the liver and kidneys, or those who use anabolic steroids and androgens. As the main symptoms of gynecomastia, conditions such as swelling in the breasts, tenderness, pain, and fluid coming from the nipples can be said. This disorder, which does not have any negative effect on the health status of individuals, may bring feelings such as psychological lack of self-confidence or embarrassment to the fore.

For the diagnosis of gynecomastia, a detailed breast examination should be done by specialist doctors. In addition to the physical examination, it is important for the doctor to learn various information about the patient himself and his family. In patients diagnosed with gynecomastia, the doctor may recommend various blood tests for a more detailed examination and observation of the cause of the disease. In line with the results of the blood tests, it may also find it necessary to perform procedures such as tomography, ultrasound, and biopsy.

How Is Gynecomastia Performed?

Before deciding on the need for treatment for gynecomastia, it should be determined whether the patient has a hormonal disorder. The treatment method for gynecomastia may vary depending on the extent of the disease. Depending on the patient’s age, hormonal level and medical reasons for the disease, medical treatments can be applied. During the medical treatment, medication is recommended according to the patient’s condition. The drugs used begin to show their effect in an average of two weeks. Medication use should be followed up regularly with its effects every month. However, medical treatments may not show effective results in every gynecomastia patient. In such cases, surgery is used as a final solution.

Jinekomasti İşlemi

What is Gynecomastia Surgery?

Surgical operation, which is known as the most effective and definitive method in the treatment of gynecomastia, is applied considering the patient’s condition. The gynecomastia surgery process is usually painless and is an easy surgery.

The process that patients will face after this surgery, which can be applied using different techniques, may also vary. If vaser or laser liposuction techniques are used during the surgery, the patient’s recovery process is completed very quickly and comfortably. At the end of an average of 3 weeks, the patient regains his personal health completely and becomes able to do every move easily.

Sometimes local anesthesia may be preferred in surgeries that are mostly performed using general anesthesia. Although swelling and edema are seen on the area after the surgery, the recovery period is short. With mild muscle pain, the patient can make shoulder movements, take a shower and walk in an average of 3 days.

Gynecomastia, which does not have any harm or negative effects in terms of physical and health, affects patients more psychologically. Because of this disorder, which causes feelings such as embarrassment, introversion and lack of self-confidence in men, many patients want to apply directly to treatment methods. In this direction, the level of gynecomastia should be examined by a specialist doctor, and necessary research and examinations should be carried out. If there is no problem with the treatment, this process should be started.





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