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What is Sapphire Hair Transplantation?
The most widely used hair transplant technique worldwide is FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). This technique consists of the stages of harvesting hair follicles, creating channels, and implanting the collected follicles, known as grafts, into the opened channels.
One phase of the FUE technique involves creating channels, and to minimize tissue deformation and allow for maximum density of channel creation, special pens with sapphire-tipped blades have been developed. This implantation model, known as Sapphire FUE, is an FUE procedure that utilizes pens with tips made from real sapphire.
Treatment Process
The procedure can vary from person to person, but in general;
How is Hair Transplantation Performed with Sapphire Technique?
In the Sapphire FUE hair transplant technique, hair follicles are still harvested using the FUE method. However, the channels in the area where hair transplantation will be performed are created not with steel but with a pen-shaped sapphire gem.
Sapphire tips allow for the creation of much smaller, smoother, and denser microchannels in the transplantation area compared to steel. Micro-level channel creation minimizes tissue deformation and reduces scabbing. As a result, the scalp heals rapidly after the procedure, leaving no visible scars. Moreover, these microchannels opened with Sapphire FUE hair transplantation allow for the dense and natural alignment of hair follicles during implantation. Thanks to this technique, individuals experiencing hair loss can achieve hair that is indistinguishable from their own.
Sapphire FUE hair transplantation can also be combined with other methods that enhance comfort and patient satisfaction, such as sedation-assisted hair transplantation and shave-less hair transplantation.
Am I a Suitable Candidate for Sapphire Hair Transplant?
All men and women between the ages of 20 to 60 who have a sufficient number of hair follicles in the donor area can regain their lost hair through the Sapphire FUE hair transplant technique.
Sapphire FUE hair transplantation is a permanent solution for typical hair loss patterns such as receding hairlines, hairline recession, hair loss at the crown, or even diffuse thinning, in addition to being applicable in cases of severe hair loss over a broad area.